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My journey discovering Phaser, an HTML5 game framework

This blog post sums up my journey of learning how to use the famous (and free) HTML5 game framework Phaser.

Phaser is an HTML5 game framework which aims to help developers make powerful, cross-browser HTML5 games really quickly and, unlike some others, has solely been built to work with the mobile browsers.

I will also try to add my struggles and little snippets of advice I get along the way.

The beginning

Curiosity led me to Phaser's getting started tutorial, where I got to follow basic steps to set up my working environment.

These steps included:

  • Installing an http server: I chose http-server as it is simple to use, requires little to no configuration and is powerful enough for production usage.
  • Selecting my editor: I decided to keep on using my favorite text editor, namely Atom.
  • Downloading Phaser: as it is an open-source project, it was as easy as cloning the repository locally.
  • Testing it out: using their "Hello World" example where I displayed a black game area with their logo by launching my HTTP server, having it serve my game's folder (http-server ./my-game/) and navigating to the displayed link.

The next step

As the tutorial recommended, I then proceeded to the Making your first Phaser game tutorial.

It's a thoroughly well explained tutorial, where little to no prior knowledge is required.
All the assets can be found here and the code is already available in the Phaser repository cloned beforehand (in the resources/tutorials folder).

It is divided as follows:

  • Introduction: where we download the tutorial's files and check out an html file containing the baseline for our game (namely the instance of a Phaser.Game object).
  • Loading Assets: where we load assets to our game in the preload() method defined in the previous step. We then create a sprite in our canvas. Let's not forget that all of this is accessible thanks to our HTTP server, just serve the right directory and launch in your browser of choice.
<p align="center"> <img width="460" height="300" src=""> </p>
  • World Building: where we build a scene with a background and platforms. Similar to the previous section, but it is composed of a sky background instead of the star, the former is a 800x600 PNG that fills the game screen. We also create a platform group that contains the ground and the 2 ledges we can jump on.
<p align="center"> <img width="460" height="300" src=""> </p>
  • Groups (and a player): where we learn about the usage of groups, as they allow to group together similar objects and control them as one unit (we have already created a group that contained the platforms). We then create a new variable called player giving it a position and a sprite sheet (loaded in the Loading assets part), enable its physics, set its physics properties (bounce, gravity & collisions) and finally add its walking animations (right and left), while defining the corresponding images in our sprite sheet, the amount of FPS and if it should loop.

Here's what our player's sprite sheet looks like, it contains our running and standing frames

  • Body and velocity (physics): where we learn that Phaser supports a lot of different physics systems (it ships with Arcade and Ninja and P2.JS Full-Body Physics). We must enable the physics property for every sprite or group that should be affected. This gives a new body property to our element which offers a lot of properties such as player.body.gravity.y. We also notice that the player does not stand on the ground we have set beforehand, that's because we need to introduce a collision check between the player and the platforms.

  • Controls: where we set up our keyboard controls. To do so we start by setting our player's body velocity to 0 in order to reset his movements, then we define a cursors variable containing game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() that will be checked at every frame in update() in order to catch a keypress, for example if cursors.left.isDown is true, then our user has pressed the left key. We can also let our user jump by checking if he is touching the ground (in order to avoid mid-air jumps) and if the up key has been pressed.

  • Goals: in this part, we create a star group that contains 12 stars to our scene (evenly spread out), set each of their gravity value and randomly assign a bounce value (between 0 - no bounce and 1 - full bounce). Let's not forget to enable physics for every star using stars.enableBody = true and to add collision between our newly created stars and the platform. Finally, using the overlap method, we catch when our player touches a star and call the collectStar method that simply kills a star in order to have it disapear from the scene using star.kill().

  • Score: finally, using the Phaser.Text object, we add the player's score in the scenes top-left. We also add an incrementation in the previously created collectStar method and change the text at the same time to display the player's progress.

Thoughts on this tutorial

This tutorial was a pleasure to go through, it explains Phaser's core concepts with the right amount of details, is illustrated and progresses to a reasonable pace. Finishing it gives you so many ideas to add to this little example, and the possibilities seem endless (with proportional work of course).

I will add content to this post as I keep on using Phaser in the near future, but I hope this introduction was interesting enough to tingle your interest, feel free to check out the amazing documentation and examples given on Phaser's website.

Game updates

  • I have cleaned up the tutorial's code by splitting it into distinct methods (for example setUpStars() which simply creates our star group and its content)
  • I added enemies to the game using the 'baddie.png' asset, when a user touches an ennemy, he dies and may restart the game by pressing [Space]
  • I have added an 'end' to this little game, when all of our stars are collected, the user is congratulated and may restart the game by pressing [Space]

Please keep in mind that I do not know any of the best practices yet !

All of these changes can be found on this repository.

To be continued